You should sub­mit your ab­stract us­ing this web­page.

La­TeX users are pro­vided with a style file and in­struc­tions and asked to sub­mit the TeX source of their work.

For those not fa­mil­iar with La­TeX, there is a sim­pli­fied in­ter­face for prepar­ing the ab­stract. We rec­om­mend to write the body of the ab­stract on your com­puter us­ing your fa­vorite ed­i­tor and copy-paste the re­sult into the sub­mis­sion form.

Do not ex­pect that the server will keep your work­ing file even if you do not close the web­page. On the con­trary, gen­er­ated and up­loaded tem­po­rary files are deleted from the server reg­u­larly (roughly af­ter 24 hours), so keep your lo­cal copy.

To ini­ti­ate the sub­mis­sion the email ad­dress, used to reg­is­ter on the con­fer­ence web site, is re­quired; this is used to iden­tify your sub­mis­sions. This email ad­dress is also used, when you push the sub­mit but­ton and the sys­tem sends you a con­fir­ma­tion email with a link. Note, that the sub­mis­sion is com­pleted only when you con­firm it by click­ing on this link.

If you need to mod­ify your ab­stract later, please con­tact the or­ga­niz­ers at iwap2018@con­ us­ing a the man­u­script num­ber from the con­fir­ma­tion email.

If you ex­pe­ri­ence any prob­lem us­ing this site please con­tact proka­jvil­mos@cae­

The sub­mis­sion process is sim­i­lar to a pa­per sub­mis­sion to a jour­nal. We pro­vide a style file and a tem­plate and also a pdf de­scrib­ing how to use the tem­plate. All these can be down­loaded as a zip file. There are some points, how­ever, which might be un­usual.

We de­cided to use the Xe­TeX en­gine, as this can han­dle utf-8 char­ac­ters na­tively. So when you La­TeX your ab­stract the com­mand line should be xe­la­tex abs.tex in­stead of pdfla­tex abs.tex, as­sum­ing that your file is named as abs.tex. This should be no prob­lem as both TeXLive and Mik­TeX comes with Xe­TeX. Nev­er­the­less, prob­lems might oc­cur with miss­ing fonts. In any case, you can use the pre­view fa­cil­ity be­low.

An­other pe­cu­liar­ity is that we only use the body of your doc­u­ment, which means that macro de­f­i­n­i­tions in the pre­am­ble will be dis­carded. If you re­ally need to de­fine some macros then do it af­ter the be­gin{doc­u­ment}, but please do not use global de­f­i­n­i­tions.

For a more de­tailed in­struc­tions see this guide.

Prepar­ing your sub­mis­sion is easy if you do not need for­mu­lae or ref­er­ences in your ab­stract. One way is to fill the tem­plate file pro­vided here, or you can use the on­line sys­tem be­low, which gen­er­ates the tex file for you. It works for the sim­plest case at the mo­ment: sin­gle au­thor, sin­gle af­fil­i­a­tion and no ref­er­ences.

If you need for­mu­lae then you should con­sult one of the in­tro­duc­tions to La­TeX, e.g. the 3rd chap­ter of The not so Short In­tro­duc­tion to La­TeX.

Abstract preview and submission
Abstract preview and submission
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